Root Canal Therapy- The Procedure To Relieve Your Pain
Many people flinch when their dentists tell them they need root canal therapy. While dentists are sympathetic to fears of pain, they also want patients to know that root canal procedure has three purposes:
- Stop the root canal symptoms of a toothache;
- Prevent bacteria and pain from spreading into the jaw; and
- Maintain the original tooth instead of replacing it with a denture or bridge.
Root canals are actually channels that run from the root of the tooth, which connects to the bone, up to the top surface of the tooth. The canal contains blood vessels, nerves and the complex cells that make up the living tissue inside the tooth. This lifeline inside the tooth is called the pulp.
When a tooth is decayed or cracked, bacteria can get to the pulp. The acid from the bacteria irritates the pulp and it becomes inflamed; it's the same process you watch when other parts of your body become infected. When the pulp tissue becomes inflamed, it's harder for blood to flow to the tissue, and the resulting pressure creates the pain symptoms inside your tooth.
There are two ways to get relief from root canal pain: perform the root canal procedure, or pull the tooth, clean the gum below, and replace the tooth with a denture or bridge. Dentists advise pulling teeth as a last resort because they know that your natural teeth are the ones best suited for your mouth.
It's important to have the root canal procedure done quickly. The bacteria will travel down the canal to the root and into the jawbone. If this happens, the pain of your toothache will spread to your jaw. Even more important, the infection can cause your jawbone to deteriorate and weaken the structure that holds your teeth.
The best way to avoid root canal therapy is to take good daily care of your teeth to prevent the growth and spread of bacteria. Brushing and flossing are important.
Just as important are regular trips to the dentist, to check for the first sign of decay or cracks that could eventually lead to an abscessed tooth. In this case, an ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure!
By Brian J. Gray, DDS, MAGD, FICO
Dental Visits - The Endodontic Examination Appointment
On most occasions, the endodontic examination and the endodontic consultation take place at the same visit. Most dentists prefer this. This section will look at each process separately.
What Is the Purpose of the Endodontic Examination?
The purpose of the endodontic examination is to determine the state of health of the pulpal tissues of a tooth or group of teeth. The dentist hopes to collect specific information to assist in diagnosis and treatment planning. During the examination portion of the visit, the dentist will:
- Review the patient's medical history and evaluate the patient's current medical status and in order to determine how it might influence the dental diagnosis and/or treatment plan.
- Review the patient's dental history and, in particular, its relationship to the specific reason for the visit, also called the "chief complaint."
- Perform a thorough clinical examination.
- Perform certain endodontic tooth tests to help establish an accurate diagnosis of the condition of the pulpal tissue.
- Perform a radiographic examination. Two or three different radiographic angles of the same area are often required to adequately visualize the various teeth, the root canal spaces within each tooth, and the surrounding bone and structures. Since a single radiograph is a two-dimensional picture of a three-dimensional object, two or more radiographs with different angulations can provide important additional information. Radiographs reveal many things that the dentist is unable to see with the clinical examination alone.
What Is the Purpose of the Endodontic Consultation?
The purpose of the endodontic consultation is to present a root canal treatment plan to the patient. Once the dentist has collected and evaluated all of the diagnostic information, the goals of the consultation visit are to:
- Share the examination findings and the resultant diagnosis with the patient.
- Discuss the prognosis.
- Discuss the treatment recommendations and any perceived complications.
- Discuss the treatment alternatives and their respective ramifications.
- Discuss the number and length of appointments necessary to complete the recommended treatment.
- Review the cost of the recommended treatment and the various treatment options.
- Answer questions that the patient may have regarding the diagnosis and various treatment options.
On occasion, the dentist may need to consult with other professionals or obtain additional information before all of the goals listed above can be accomplished.
By Clifford J. Ruddle, DDS, in collaboration with Philip M. Smith, DDS